Abortion nolonger permitted, because the declining birth rate, specifically that of boys has become a great world concern, and natural masculine children are now a protected species.
Apparently the increase in temperature has caused hormonal imbalances and the external testicales of male species have been determentally affected and so there is a global decline in male children, across all mamals, and so the UN and WHO declared an international injuction to all male terminations.
Birth controll was suspected and as a result there are massive out rage groups pro and anti birth control.
and the general public attitude is shameful to "waste" opportunity.
There is a massive global advertising campagin aimed at harvesting our ovarian crop, which essentially means that a woman with less than half her remaining eggs can be harvested, and have all remaining eggs sold on open market, for corporate birthing.
So products are cloning, some are splicing and some are procreational.
The prerequisites are extreme and require that the donor meet a very high biological and genetic baseline, before they are accepted into certain egg trade markets..
Social pressure is high, all media comete for eggs and/or shame the egg count of motherless women, or encourage fertiles to share the gift of motherhood within the sisterhood.
The whole industry is very similar to the horse trade.
Racing, breeding, betting on boys optioning and shorting.
Womanhood itself is a higly contraversial comodity.