Lifedrawing again

after a couple of years break I returned to draw


For two weeks i procastingated. A friend of mine returned from holidays and said they wanted to draw too. so we bought tickets and sorted everything out and then i left my apparment and headed into town.

I was not really worried that the magic would have gone, but i did wonder how bad i would be after all the years not drawing. and turns out it is bicycles.

I caught my self smiling at the model as she yawned half way into the long pose. This woman was the first dark skined woman I have ever drawn, actuall the first dark human i have ever drawen. So it was odd thinking about how to portray the darkness on the page. I wanted to show her wonderful complexion through the contrast of tone.

With simple line drawing it is difficult in a way that charcoal and soft lead isnt. I had a minor satisfaction by crosshatching, and layering the sketch.

Here is that skectch: Portrait of sleeping woman

In summary it was wonderful to return to the nighttime sketch routine. I will make a habit of this for at least five sessions, that is how many tickets I have bought. Also getting out of the house is something i need to do, and taking the electric scrooter down to Bethnal Green is really fun.